Due: May 4, 2022 @ 11:59 PM

Important Notes


For your 4-credit project you will write a simple ray-tracer and render a scene. To prepare to write the ray-tracer, you should read the following the very short books from Peter Shirley’s books on ray tracing:

Your ray tracer will not be interactive…it need not render the scene in real-time. In fact, it is expected that it may take up to several minutes for your scene to render depending on your choice of programming language. The output of the program should be an image written to a file.

Implementing the Ray Tracer

The ultimate goal is to be able to render a scene including the components shown in the image on this page. However, your scene should be unique…use your creativity and make it look different from the one presented here. The functional elements your ray tracer needs to support are included in the rubric. Information about each of these is easily found in the books linked above.

Your program should write out an image file containing the scene you rendered

Here are some answers to questions I imagine you have:

1. What programming language should I use?

You can use any language you wish. You may consult the C++ code Shirley provides, but write the code yourself. Your code should be demonstrably different than his. To achieve this, it may be easier to write in another language…maybe one you want to learn. The scene will be pretty minimal, so even languages not known as performant (e.g. Python or JavaScript) can be a good choice.

2. What image format should I output?

You can write out your image to any common image file format. You can use the PPM format from the book, although not many programms read that format (PhotoShop does but most Microsoft viewers don’t). You can find tools online to view and convert PPM files. You could use any other format you wish….PNG, or JPEG, etc. You can use a library (e.g. libpng) to output the image if you wish). As a final alternative, you could write the ray tacer in JavaScript and render in a browser rather than outputting a file. See details on this option below.

3. What should the resolution of the image be?

Use at least 500x500. You can make it bigger if you wish or use a different aspect ration (e.g. 4:3).

4. Can I use a math library for vector types and functions (e.g. cross product)?

Yes! For example, if you chose to use JavaScript you could use the glmatrix library.

5. Do I need to implement all the features in both books?

No! Just implement the ones in the rubric…unless you want to implement…you could even read and implement the third book from Shirley’s website.

6. How many spheres?

Your scene should include over 20 spheres…that’s really a modest number so feel free to do more.

7. Can I do something different like using the GPU to parallel ray trace and/or implementing ray marching within WebGL?

Yes, although I won’t be able to help with those as much (I haven’t implemented them myself), but if you have the skills and ambition you should take up whatever challenge you wish. E-mail me first though, and let em exactly what you wish to do.

8. Can I render something more than spheres?

Yes! See the section on creativity below.

Implementation Suggestion

If you want to write in JavaScript, you can. Instead of using WebGL, you will write pixel values directly onto an HTML5 Canvas using the Canvas API. In particular the section on pixel manipulation will be helpful. Rendering will slow, but that’s alright provided it’s not too slow for you to comfortable work with it and debug.


The Shirley books include a lot of good advice on debugging, but I’ll mention the most important one here. Debug using small image sizes like 1x1 and 2x2 images to begin with.

A Word About Creativity

For the points for creativity, in addition to your scene not being the same as someone else’s scene, you should implement some other feature. Texturing (like the procedural checkerboard in the book) is one option…or image texturing or area lights or rendering meshes. Do something that looks good.You are expected to make a substantial effort producing a unique and interesting scene.


Please submit a zipped folder containing:

  • A README.md file explaining how to build and run your code and what format you used to write out the image.
  • All your code
  • An image file showing your rendered scene

For this assignment ignore the submission instructions in the next section

Submission Instructions

Submit all the files needed to run your app including gl-matrix-min.js or similar library files

Submit the files in zipped folder to Canvas.

Use the following naming conventions for your files:

  • mpN.html

  • mpN.js

  • You can use any naming convention you wish for additional JS you use (e.g. Terrain.js or Sphere.js, etc.)

Test your app right before you submit and after renaming any files.
Not updating the name of a JS file file sourced in mpN.html is a common bug

In the file name, replace N with the number of the MP (e.g. MP1.html).
You should also include any additional files you use or have written.
In particular you can use the glMatrix library gl-matrix-min.js.

Name your submission as NETID_MPN.zip and submit it to Canvas, where NETID is your netid and N is the MP number. This MP (as are the other MP’s) is more than just an assignment for a grade to verify graphics programming proficiency. It is also an opportunity to impress me, your friends/family and your future employer or graduate school.

Name Points Description
Positionable camera 10 Implement a camera you can position in the scene...choose an interesting view in for your scene
Spheres 10 Be able to render spheres of different sizes
Diffuse material 5 Some spheres should be rendered as diffuse surafces
Metal material 5 Some spheres should be rendered as metallic surfaces (mirrors are nice)
Dielectrics 10 Some spheres should be glass....
Instances 10 Render a non-trivial number of spheres by using instancing
Bounding Volume Hierarchy 20 You should implement a BVH to make your tracer more performant
Plane 5 Render a geometric plane as a floor for your scene
Shadows 5 Support shadows...can be hard shadows using a point light
Creativity 20 Do something interesting and visually unique in your scene...maybe texturing
Total 100